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À reculons Photos ❘ Science Photo Library
12897593 - Sketch Design for a Stable, c1480 (1945)
12897556 - Drawing of a Flying Machine with a Man Operating It, c1480
12897583 - Method of Constructing a Trestle Bridge, c1480 (1945)
12897582 - A Canal with Locks and Weirs, c1480 (1945)
12897594 - Drawing of a Flying Machine, c1480 (1945)
13524097 - Slippery surface warning sign
13218284 - Spondylolisthesis, X-ray
13218285 - Spondylolisthesis, X-ray
12897586 - Studies of Foot-Soldiers Attacking Horsemen, c1480
11654772 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654766 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654785 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654757 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654756 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654776 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654771 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654754 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654759 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654778 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654760 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654751 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654774 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654769 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654758 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11866344 - Skull anatomy by Leonardo da Vinci
11866326 - Foot anatomy by Leonardo da Vinci
11654780 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654767 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654775 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654773 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654752 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654783 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654383 - Mirror writing
11815489 - Human neck bending,Illustration
11654777 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654755 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654753 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654781 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654762 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654782 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654770 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11815495 - Human neck bending,Illustration
11654761 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11655976 - Co-ordinate geometry,16th century
11654768 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11886494 - Spiral galaxy NGC 4622
11654784 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654765 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11873330 - Rectum
11839630 - Bleeding haemorrhoids
11815486 - Human neck bending,Illustration
11654779 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11867363 - Elbow stand,X-ray artwork
11867292 - Backward bend,X-ray artwork
11654764 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11654763 - Notes by Leonardo da Vinci,Codex Arundel
11815507 - Human neck bending,Illustration
11815474 - Human neck bending,Illustration
11867365 - Elbow stand,X-ray artwork
11867364 - Elbow stand,X-ray artwork
11867361 - Backward bend,X-ray artwork
11867360 - Backward bend,X-ray artwork
11815492 - Human neck bending,Illustration
11867359 - Backward bend,X-ray artwork
12069401 - Yoga
11900385 - Sewer clearing
11839631 - Haemorrhoids
11882290 - Retrograde motion of Mars
11867362 - Elbow stand,X-ray artwork
12069398 - Yoga
12069407 - Yoga