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Recherche et développement Photos ❘ Science Photo Library
13686226 - Zebrafish embryo, light micrograph
13524528 - Micro PET CT machine
13952200 - Genetic medicine, conceptual illustration
13952202 - Inherited diseases, conceptual illustration
13633022 - Coronavirus vaccination, conceptual illustration
13426201 - Technician wheeling a molecular structure, illustration
13838570 - Green solutions, illustration
13479479 - Baby girl chewing a teething ring
13404581 - Desert research centre, Israel
13404579 - Desert research centre, Israel
13404574 - Desert research centre, Israel
12961521 - Romeo robot assistant with human friends
12961520 - Romeo robot assistant with human friends
12960921 - X-57 electric aircraft motor wind tunnel test
13478669 - Baby boy in a t-shirt lying on his front over a wool blanket
12961514 - Romeo robot assistant
13500007 - Toddler standing with a toy in one hand
12991879 - Industry, montage illustration
12961527 - Romeo robot demonstrating sensitive grip
12961522 - Romeo robot design
13499845 - Baby girl in nappy sitting on the floor and looking up
12961517 - Engineer working on Romeo robot thorax
12961516 - Romeo robot assistant
12961512 - Romeo robot assistant
13225404 - Organ-on-a-chip development
13454131 - Students attend a lesson about imaging analysis
12961529 - Jet-assisted take-off (JATO) research, 1940s
13500522 - Baby girl holding green plastic food bowl
12961518 - Engineer working on Romeo robot hand
12960923 - X-57 electric aircraft,illustration
13426247 - Laboratory work, illustration
12960919 - Tecnam P2006T aircraft cockpit
13426200 - Hand holding a molecular structure, illustration
13225403 - Organ-on-a-chip development
12961526 - Romeo robot demonstrating sensitive grip
13952201 - DNA data in healthcare, conceptual illustration
13479299 - Hands holding petri dish with world map, illustration
13225400 - Organ-on-a-chip development
13952199 - Genetic medicine, conceptual illustration
13838780 - Healthcare innovation, conceptual illustration
13452493 - Medical imaging research room
13404577 - Desert research centre, Israel
12961523 - Romeo robot design
12918136 - Comparative embryology by von Baer, 1828
13500501 - Toddler sitting at the bottom of set of steps
13478709 - Baby girl in purple and pink clothing sitting on floor
13404578 - Desert research centre, Israel
12992223 - Scientific theory, conceptual illustration
13962872 - AI in logistics, conceptual illustration
13625200 - Man using VR headset
13404576 - Desert research centre, Israel
12961525 - Researcher with Pepper and Nao robots
12961513 - Romeo robot assistant
12645763 - Heliostat receiver tower
13757472 - Mushrooms growing in laboratory, conceptual illustration
13734177 - Person wearing blue latex gloves filling in a medical form
13500012 - Baby girl holding spoon to mouth
13244328 - Futuristic schematic of human body, illustration
12961530 - Early jet-assisted take-off (JATO) flight,1941
13962871 - AI in logistics, conceptual illustration
13689342 - Drug development, conceptual image
13687540 - Haematology laboratory
13499853 - Standing baby boy in nappy
13454268 - University science laboratory
12971594 - NEOCam sensor chip
13962870 - AI in logistics, conceptual illustration
13734218 - Electronics laboratory
13689348 - Laboratory centrifuge
13689346 - Sample being placed into a centrifuge
13689345 - Drug research and development
13376918 - Drug development, conceptual illustration
12918135 - Comparative embryology by von Baer, 1828
13958294 - Kanner's syndrome, conceptual illustration
13689336 - Lab technician pipetting a sample
13635443 - Biotechnology, illustration
13604219 - Female fertility, conceptual illustration
13478586 - Baby boy in nappy sitting on floor pointing
13406053 - Pharmaceutical industry, conceptual illustration
12655707 - Early BBC broadcasting studio
13962869 - AI in logistics, conceptual illustration
13962867 - AI in logistics, conceptual illustration
13757471 - Mushrooms growing in laboratory, conceptual illustration
13757466 - Mushrooms growing in laboratory, conceptual illustration
13734183 - Blue latex gloved hands holding vials of ZIKA virus
13635322 - Confusion and stress, illustration
13502753 - Man dressed as businessman and doctor, illustration
12942504 - Woman looking through microscope, illustration
12941599 - People climbing strands of DNA, illustration
12940997 - Robotic claw holding capsule, illustration
12645762 - Heliostats reflecting sunlight to receiver tower
13734182 - Blue latex gloved hands holding vials of ZIKA virus
13635326 - Biotechnology research, illustration
13621689 - Laboratory reagents
13407550 - Two scientists using a computer
13757467 - Mushrooms growing in laboratory, conceptual illustration
13688866 - Robotic hand
13622632 - Research sample
13404582 - Desert research centre, Israel
13404575 - Desert research centre, Israel
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